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Pastor Owen Alford
Pastor Owen Alford
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02/09/25 - Which Hope We Have
01/19/25 - This Treasure In This Earthen Vessel
01/05/25 - An Abundant Entrance, 2 Peter 1:11
12/01/24 - On The Mount of Transfiguration, Matt. 17:1-9
12/01/24 - The Plight of the Downcast Soul, Psalm 42
11/17/24 - Midnight Grace, Acts 16:25
11/10/24 - Earnestly Contend for the Faith, Jude 1:3
09/22/24 - Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord, Exod. 14:13
08/18/24 - Blessed are the Poor In Spirit, Matt. 5:3
08/11/24 - Building Again the Tabernacle of David, Amos 9:11-12; Acts 15:15-17
07/21/24 - Rahab's Confession of Faith, Josh. 2; Heb. 11:31
07/07/24 - Enoch Walked with God, Gen. 5:21-24
06/15/24 - The Conversion of Saul, Gal. 1:11-24
05/19/24 - God Answers Job, Job 38, 40, 42
04/21/24 - He Is Lord, Romans 14:7-9
03/30/24 - What and How God Hears, Psalm 94:9
02/25/24 - God Knows All Things, Prov. 15:3
12/31/23 - Personal Passion for the Word of God, Psalm 119:97-104
12/17/23 - This Child Is Set, Luke 2:34-35
12/03/23 - Your Long Journey, Exodus 13:17-22
11/12/23 - The Way of Cain and the Abel of the Way, Gen. 4:1-13
11/05/23 - Come Unto Me, Matt. 11:28-30
10/15/23 - The Question With No Easy Answer, Isaiah 55:8-9, Rom 11:33-36
09/24/23 - The Evangelist and the Church, Eph. 4:11, Matt. 9:37, 38, Eccl. 11:1-6
09/10/23 - Beholding Now and Satisfied Then, Psalm 17:15; 2 Cor. 3:18
08/27/23 - Adam, Christ, and the Resurrection, 1 Cor. 15:21, 41-45
08/13/23 - Adam and Christ, Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:47
07/30/23 - The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Gen. 2:9
07/14/23 - From Despair to Delight in the Sanctuary of God, Psalm 73
07/02/23 - Sent Forth from the Garden #3 (Preservation), Gen. 3:24
06/11/23 - Sent Forth from the Garden #2 (Protection), Gen. 3:22
05/28/23 - Sent Forth From the Garden # 1 (Preparation), Gen. 3:20-21
05/07/23 - Adam Sentenced, Gen. 3:17-19
04/30/23 - Blessed are They That Dwell In Thy House
04/16/23 - Cursed Is the Ground, Gen. 3:17-19
04/02/23 - The Woman Sentenced, Gen. 3:16
03/19/23 - Guilty…and About to Be Sentenced, Gen. 3:14-19
03/05/23 - While Adam Slept, Gen. 2:18-25
02/26/24 - The Promise of The Seed, Gen. 3:3-15
02/12/23 - Grace Reigns Over Sin in the Garden, Gen. 3:9-15
01/29/23 - A Trial of the Ages, Gen. 3:9-13
01/15/23 - God’s Terrible Voice in the Garden, Gen. 3:9
01/01/23 - Ploughing, Sowing, and Reaping in the New Year, Hosea 10:12
12/18/22 - Some Immediate Consequences of the Fall, Gen. 3:7-8
12/04/22 - Adam and the Fall, Gen. 3:1-13
11/20/22 - Christ's Victory Over Temptation, Gen. 3:1-6; Matt. 4:1-11
11/06/22 - Temptation’s Dialogue, Assault, and Remedy, Gen. 3:1
10/16/22 - Temptation’s Subtlety Revealed, Gen. 3:1
09/25/22 - The Fall #1: Foundational Truths, Gen. 3:1-10
09/11/22 - Jonah – Closing Examples and Admonitions, Jonah 4:11
08/28/22 - God Answers Jonah's Anger, John 4:4-11
08/14/22 - Jonah's Unrighteous Anger, Part 2, Jonah 4
08/07/22 - Understanding Jonah's Unrighteous Anger, Jonah 4
07/24/22 - Lord, I Believe; Help Thou Mine Unbelief, Mark 9:24
07/17/22 - God Repents?, Jonah 3:10
07/10/22 - The Sign of the Ninevites, Luke 11:29-32
06/26/22 - God’s Surprising Work in Nineveh, Jonah 3:4-10
06/05/22 - The Recommissioning of Jonah, Jonah 3:1-4
05/22/22 - Salvation Is of the LORD, Jonah 1:17-2:10
05/08/22 - Jonah’s Prayer of Descent, Jonah 2:1-9
04/24/22 - Lost and Found Mariners, Jonah 1:14-16
04/10/22 - Jonah # 4: Full Disclosure, Jonah 1:8-13
03/20/22 - What God Thinks, Jer. 29:11
03/13/22 - Jonah # 3: Religion, Rebuke, Revealing, Jonah 1:5-7
02/27/22 - Jonah #2: Jonah’s Journey Begins, Jonah 1:1-6
02/13/22 - The Book of Jonah: Introduction and Beginnings, Jonah 1:1-4
12/26/21 - Jesus Christ: David’s Son and David’s Lord, Matt. 22:41-46
12/12/21 - A Six-Fold Christmas Mystery, 1 Tim. 3:16
12/05/21 - The Day of Small Things, Zech. 4:10
11/28/21 - A New Race Every Day, Phil. 3:12-14
11/07/21 - Saved, Because It Pleased God, Gal. 1:15-16
10/17/21 - Setting Forward the Work of the House of the LORD, Ezra 3:8-13
09/26/21 - Harden Not Your Heart, Heb. 3:7-19
08/05/21 - Missing Today: A High View of God, Isaiah 6:1-7
07/18/21 - Watchman, What of the Night?, Isaiah 21:11-12
05/30/21 - From Death to Deliverance, Num. 21:1-10
05/09/21 -
The Christian's Pathway to the Cross -
Corollary to the Jordan River Crossing # 3,
; Phil.
05/02/21 - The Jordan River Crossing # 3: Memorializing, Joshua 4
04/25/21 - The Jordan River Crossing # 2: Crossing, Joshua 3
04/11/21 - The Jordan River Crossing #1: Beholding, Joshua 3
03/21/21 - He Is Able to Keep Me, 2 Tim. 1:12
03/14/21 - Consider the Contradiction, Heb. 12:3-4
03/07/21 - God's Word Not Bound, 2 Tim. 2:9
08/23/20 - God Remembers, Mal. 3:16-18
12/15/19 - Series In Ruth # 11: Purpose, Ruth 4
12/01/19 - Series In Ruth # 10: Redemption, Ruth 4
11/24/19 - Series In Ruth # 9: Proposal, Ruth 3:7-18
11/03/19 - Conformance to Christ, Rom. 8:28-29
10/27/19 - Series In Ruth # 8: Rest, Ruth 3:1-7
10/20/19 - Series In Ruth # 7: Revelation, Ruth 2:14-23
10/13/19 - Series In Ruth # 6: Grace, Ruth 2:1-12
10/06/19 - Series in Ruth # 5: Providence, Ruth 1:22-2:3
09/29/19 - Series in Ruth # 4: Return, Ruth 1:19-22
09/22/19 - I have prayed for thee, Luke 22:32
09/15/19 - Series in Ruth # 3: Entreaty, Ruth 1:15-18
09/08/19 - Series in Ruth # 2: Demarcation, Ruth 1:6-18
08/25/19 - Series In Ruth # 1: Beginnings, Ruth 1:1-6
08/18/19 - CBC at a Crossroads, Psalm 139
08/04/19 - You Should Earnestly Contend for the Faith, Jude 1:1-3;20-21
07/28/19 - The Transfiguration of Christ, Matt. 17:1-9
07/14/19 - The Rechabites, Jeremiah 35
06/09/19 - The Tree Cast Into the Waters, Exodus 15:22-27
05/05/19 - Daniel: An Exile’s Perspectives on Faithfulness, Daniel 6:1-28
02/10/19 - Elijah's Night Under the Juniper Tree, 1 Kings 19:1-8
12/09/18 - Habakkuk’s Glorious Prayer Psalm, Hab. 3
12/02/18 - A Biblical Response to God's Dealings with Man, Hab. 3
11/25/18 - He Showed Me a Plumbline, Amos 7:7-8
11/11/18 - Knowing God as the Psalmist Did, Psalm 16:8
11/04/18 - Singing the Lord's Song In a Strange Land, Psalm 137:4
09/09/18 - Your Long Journey, Ex. 13:17-22
05/20/18 - And Should I Not Spare Nineveh?, Jonah 4
04/22/18 - I Wonder What They Are Doing In Heaven Today
01/07/18 - The Plight of the Cast Down Soul, Psalm 42
11/26/17 - The Lord's Blessed Benediction, Num. 6:22-27
11/05/17 - God's Monument In the Wilderness, Exod. 13:21-22
07/30/17 - Divine Virtue Flows As the Hem Is Touched, Mark 5:21-34
07/23/17 - At Evening, It Shall Be Light, Acts 12:1-11
04/23/17 - Midnight Grace, Acts 16:25
04/09/17 - Abraham's Ultimate Sacrifice, Gen. 22:1-22
02/19/17 - Sea Change on the Sea of Galilee, John 21:1-14
12/18/16 - Providential Attendants at the Birth of Our Lord, Matt. 2:1-12
10/09/16 - Jacob's Night at Bethel, Gen. 28:10-15
09/11/16 - Jabbok and Peniel: A Tale of Two Cities, Gen. 32:24-31
07/24/16 - The Eyes of the Lord Are In Every Place, Beholding the Evil and the Good, Prov. 15:3
07/17/16 - Freed Unto Freedom, John 8:36
06/05/16 - Eternity Set In the Heart, Eccl. 3:11
05/22/16 - The Wonder and Greatness of Salvation, 1 Peter 1:10-12
05/08/16 - Christ's Victory Over Temptation In the Wilderness, Matt. 4:1-1
04/24/16 - Finding God Again, Acts 17:27
04/17/16 - My Times Are In Thy Hand, Psalm 31:15
04/03/16 - There Is a Balm In Gilead, Jer. 8:18-22
11/08/15 - And the Iron Did Swim, 2 Kings 6:1-7
08/02/15 - A Solitary Funeral: The Death of Moses, Deut. 34
07/05/15 - The God of Revival, Rom. 11:33-36
04/19/15 - The Abiding Presence of God, Heb. 13:5
04/12/15 - Unbelief and the Love of God, Mal. 1:1-5
02/08/15 - Days of Prosperity, Days of Adversity, Eccl. 7:13-14
01/25/15 - Gospel Lessons From the Queen of the South, Matt. 12:42
01/18/15 - Personal Passion for the Word of God, Psalm 119:97
12/28/14 - Godspeed the Plough, Hos. 10:12
10/26/14 - God's Revelation of Himself at the Burning Bush, Exod. 3:1-10
10/05/14 - Our Lamps Have Gone Out, Matt. 25:1-13
08/10/14 - Jehovah-Jireh: Provision Seen on the Mount of the LORD, Gen. 22:1-14
03/09/14 - Come Unto Me, Matt. 11:27-30
01/19/14 - Ending Well, 2 Tim. 4:6-8
11/10/13 - Jehovah Sabaoth, Psalm 46:10-11
08/11/13 - Slow of Heart to Believe, Judges 13: 22-23
07/28/13 - El Olam, the Everlasting God, the God of the Ages , Gen. 21:33
06/09/13 - El Roi: Thou God Seest Me, Gen. 16:13
05/26/13 - El Elyon, The Most High God, Gen. 14:17-24
05/05/13 - El Shaddai, Gen. 17:1
03/03/13 - Christ's Passion & Exaltation, Psalm 110:7
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